Crafting Captivating Video Content for Development Communities 🥑
A Journey into the Art of Storytelling and Production for DevRel 🥑
In a world dominated by screens and digital media, video content has become the crown jewel of communication. It's a medium that can engage, educate, and inspire like no other, and for development communities, it offers a unique gateway to share knowledge and build connections.
In case you don't know me, I've been working with Opensource and Development Communities over the last 10 years and my mission is to engage, support, and empower developers worldwide, also, I carry a Film Production background with vast experience in cinema camera management, lights and post-production certified capabilities.
Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at the Hashnode Bootcamp on the topic of "Creating Compelling Video Content for Development Communities." In this article, I want to take you on a deeper dive into some of the key takeaways from that session. We'll explore the art of storytelling, the magic of lighting, the power of video editing, and the secrets to making an unforgettable impact on your development community.
The Hero’s Journey: Crafting Compelling Stories
At the heart of captivating videos lies the art of storytelling. Think about your favorite movies or shows. What keeps you hooked from the opening scene to the closing credits? It's often the narrative, the journey the characters go through. Hollywood has long mastered this with a storytelling framework known as "The Hero’s Journey."
"The Hero’s Journey" is a 12-step pattern found in many narratives, ancient and modern. This framework, used in everything from "Star Wars" to "The Lord of the Rings," is deeply ingrained in our storytelling DNA. It’s a formula that keeps us engaged and emotionally invested.
Here's a brief overview of the Hero’s Journey:
The Ordinary World: We meet the hero in their normal life.
Call to Adventure: Something disrupts their world.
Refusal of the Call: The hero hesitates.
Meeting the Mentor: The hero finds guidance.
Crossing the First Threshold: The hero commits to change.
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Challenges and allies emerge.
Approach to the Inmost Cave: The hero faces the biggest trial.
Ordeal: The hero confronts their deepest fear.
Reward (Seizing the Sword): The hero reaps the benefit.
The Road Back: The hero begins the journey home.
Resurrection: The final challenge.
Return with the Elixir: The hero returns transformed.
What can we, as creators of video content for development communities, learn from this? - That storytelling is not about the WHAT, or the HOW, is about the WHY. Why the Hero is going for that Journey hooks us to watch the movie, no matter what and how crazy the how is, it's all about the WHY
Shorter Version of the Hero's Journey for Social Media Videos
For our shorter social media videos, we can adapt the Hero's Journey into a concise structure that keeps our audience engaged. Let's call it the "Attention, Reflection, Transformation" structure, this right here is my structure which I've finessed throughout the years.
Attention: Capture your audience's attention with a hook – a question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement.
Reflection: Ask a question that the audience can answer in their mind with a resounding "Yes." This creates engagement and resonance.
Transformation: Provide your audience with a secret or a valuable insight. Tell them how they can achieve that transformation. Conclude with a clear Call to Action (CTA).
This structure is like the Cliff's Notes version of the Hero’s Journey, allowing you to create engaging, impactful videos that resonate with your audience in a short time frame.
Let me give you an example, here's this statement I could say in one of my videos:
"Hello everyone, today I'm going to show you how to integrate Appsmith with Salesforce using oauth2, is very simple and we have a connector and template too, out of the box make this connection for your sales team to start creating great dashboards"
Now, this is "fine" but it's lame, I'm just talking about features (how's and what's) but never a why, there is any storytelling in there, now, let me show it to you with my structure applied:
Let's break it down:
#1 Attention: "Hey there 👋 At Appsmith, we believe that technology should empower, not overwhelm"**. - Start with why! Not how or what.**
**#2 Reflection: "**Are you tired of spending hours generating reports from Salesforce, getting data from multiple tables? Have you ever wished for a hassle-free to generate reports, graphics and big data analysis with a couple of clicks away and without writing code?" - Yes, the answer is yes, you want people to answer yes on their heads.
#3 Transformation: "Well, here's the secret sauce – Appsmith's OAuth2 integration with Salesforce! It's so simple; anyone can do it. 🌟 We've got a ready-made connector and templates that'll have your sales team connected in no time. But that's not all! To get started, check out the link in our bio for a step-by-step guide. Transform your sales process with ease NOW" - Here we say how we will transform them and make them become the hero just like step 12: Return with the Elixir - The hero returns transformed, and important to give them a Call To Action at the end.
Powerful right?? - Start applying these today and let me know in the comments
Mastering the Magic of Lighting
Great storytelling is often complemented by great visuals. Lighting, a fundamental aspect of video production, can make or break your content. You don't need an expensive studio setup to get this right; even everyday items can help you achieve impressive results.
Key Light: The primary light source that illuminates your subject. A soft key light helps avoid harsh shadows.
Fill Light: Used to soften shadows created by the key light, providing balanced lighting.
Practical Lights: Everyday lamps and sources that can add depth and warmth to your scenes, help generate textures, separate yourself from the background and make the scene more interesting.
In the world of video, soft key lighting is your best friend. It's about creating an even, flattering illumination that makes your subject stand out. Remember, you can start experimenting with home lamps for practical lighting. They're versatile and budget-friendly. See the following video where I explain step by step how I light my current home studio
Why DaVinci Resolve for Video Editing
To craft compelling videos, you'll need a solid video editing tool, and my recommendation is DaVinci Resolve. It's a free, yet incredibly powerful, video editing software that's accessible to everyone, from beginners to pros.
The free version offers a remarkable range of features that include advanced color correction, visual effects, audio post-production, and more. Its intuitive user interface makes it an ideal choice for video creators.
In my upcoming tutorials, I'll be sharing tips and techniques on video editing using DaVinci Resolve. Subscribe on my YouTube channel as in the upcoming weeks I will be doing a series of Webinars on how to use Davinci Resolve from scratch to enhance your video production and create content that truly captivates your development community, you don't want to miss these completely free series! I'm a Davinci Certified Editor and Colorist.
In case you missed the Hashnode Bootcamp session, you can watch it here:
The world of video content creation for development communities is a dynamic and exciting one. By understanding the power of storytelling, mastering the magic of lighting, and using the right video editing tools, you can create videos that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impact.
It's not just about making videos; it's about telling stories, sharing knowledge, and building connections. So, get your camera ready, set up your lighting, and start your journey into the world of compelling video content.
Stay tuned for more insights, and together, let's make your video content truly stand out in the world of development communities. 🎥✨